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  • Writer's pictureTania Pitsal

Dark Maji books by Kel Carpenter

A week ago I came across this amazing series called Dark Maji, there are five books, and the story is set in a fictional world where people can have magical powers.

Basically, the characters can be divided into two main groups, there are the White/Grey/ Black Maji, and then there are the regular people too.

The series revolves around Quinn Darkova, an ex-slave, and Dark Maji, and the beginning of her new life along with some other very powerful characters, among whom is her fateful mate, a classic brooding dark hero.

The story is full of adventure, darkness, battles, and blood. There is an intense romantic slow burn story that blooms over the span of the FIVE books, and it really doesn't disappoint at all. As the hot sensual scenes between Quinn and Lazarus aren't only sexy but a bit "twisted" as well!

What makes this series different is undoubtedly the main heroine, Quinn. She is a Badass, she thrives on killing and punishing bad people, or anyone basically that annoys her, and she stays dark and twisted throughout the whole story. Quinn is a very flawed character, and at some point, you will call her "immature", "selfish", " arrogant" and she's all that and even more, but she really doesn't give a damn!

I really liked the fact that Carpenter didn't try to change Quinn, she left her being the bloodthirsty mad-woman that she was always supposed to be. There are moments that you feel sorry for her and even pity her as she cannot control who she is, but at the same time, you will see her own all of her actions, bad and good.

I literally devoured the whole series in just 3 days and I was left wanting more! Although Quinn and Lazarus are the main couples in this series, there were some side characters with very interesting storylines, among which I found my favorite ones, aka Vaughn and Axe. And, for those, I hope that Carpenter would consider writing a spin-off series or a novella, where we could see the conclusion of their story, as we left them there hanging.

In conclusion, I would urge anyone who loves fantasy/ supernatural stories to give this a try.

See you soon!

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