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  • Writer's pictureTania Pitsal

Between (The Chronicles of Between)by L.L. Starling

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

This was one of the best reads I've had during this cursed year! The book is a bit longish but if you love extended scenes of witty banter and cute encounters, this is one is for you.

The story takes us to the witchy village of Old Middleton, somewhere in Wisconsin. Our main heroine is Sasha a temp-teacher who has just accepted a post in the kindergarten school for three weeks. Along with her is traveling her best-friend and sassy figure, Lyla, who decided to take a break from her studies to accompany Sasha to this mystery town where wifi isn't a thing and men are scarce.

The two girls arrive in the middle of a stormy night at the very strict and only-female boarding house of Miss Adeline. From the first moment of their arrival, the two girls get really suspicious vibes from the boarding house as much as from their inhabitants. The same night the strangest thing happens when Sasha has finally a dream after 25 long years of being dreamless.

During the days the two young women familiarize themselves with the old village and its mainly female population. Their first impression is that the village seems to have jumped out directly from the pages of a fairy tale. There is definitely something witchy going!

At the nights, Sasha is being transported in a strange dreamscape which was actually the place of her last dream 25 years ago. We learn that this dreamscape is a physical place somewhere between our world and the Fairy world, and that's why it's called Between. There, she meets a mysterious and attractive man who as you have probably guessed is going to be our main hero.

I could go on forever, describing what happens in the book but I hate spoilers and I think as this is a nice and cozy book, you would love to discover it by yourselves while drinking some sweet and warm cocoa, under an equally comfy blanket.

The writing is really good and the dialogue hilarious. Lyla is undoubtfully one of the wittiest characters I have read and I am sure her part in this story is equally important.

What I liked was that instead of having a constant exchange of two POV's, the book was separated in the middle, the first part was from Sasha's point of view and the second from Lorn's, the Shadow King. The two POV's refer to the same timelines but we really see life in two different locations, the Old Middleton and the Between.

I would suggest taking your time with this book as it's a long one, but probably I shouldn't be talking as I finished in two days, I just couldn't put it down. I am SO eager for the sequel!

Consequently, I would UNDOUBTEDLY recommend this book to anyone who wants a cozy romance with a supernatural flare!

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