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  • Writer's pictureTania Pitsal

Crave by Tracy Wolff

I read this book just a few days ago and I came to painfully regret it, except of course if you are fans of Young Adult fiction like Twilight, because as a matter of fact this book is indeed just another example of Twilight fiction. The only redemeeing fact is that the MC isn't as annoying as Bella but she's definitely 100 % more naive for sure.

About the story, it's the classic Young Adult plotline, ORPHAN BEAUTIFUL GIRL goes to a boarding school where her uncle is the headmaster. There, she meets a MYSTERIOUS, HOT, CURSED, BAD-Boy who happens to be....wait for it....a VAMPIRE. You can see where it's going, they can't be together but their chemistry/ bond is of the charts...She's SPECIAL!!!

Here, it goes your typical angsty teen novel.

Things that "ruined" the book for me:

  1. . Instalove at 3%, MC meets her male co-lead at 3% of the book, and she doesn't stop telling us how hot, mysterious and hot (again) he is. Wow, that's destiny for you, folks!

  2. This "naive" girl is dragged by her uncle to this supernatural academy where everyone goes out of their way, and I mean EVERY SINGLE SOUL in this school, to pretend that this is just a normal high-school and protect the poor Boo. WHY? Everyone lies to this girl even when they clearly can see she's confused, full of questions about the weird stuff and attitudes there, yet everyone keeps on the charade, her family members too! Then the obvious question would be why the hell this girl is even at this school? If she's in danger and all...

  3. The Hero is a tormented soul full of angsty feelings....yeah, boring as hell. He tries to keep himself away from her while stalking her throughout the story, typical ALPHA-male psycho! He's described as dangerous when he's all lovey-dovey teddy bear....yeah, no... he's a flower boy, not a dangerous vampire!

  4. Her family members are as indifferent as her! Especially her cousin who cannot have a proper dialogue with the MC, always telling her half-truths. You just don't throw a loved family member in a hole full of vipers and tell her that they are nice and fluffy cuddly bears!

  5. Every single character of this book keeps warning her and telling her she's in grave danger yet the school and the students are supposed to be normal!

  6. The Male hero keeps talking in riddles, "you don't know what's happening", "you are in danger", "this isn't a game" BS! Dude, tell the girl what's going on! This is how the whole book goes until like 50% or so...

In my opionion, Twilight was at least more coherent and logically developed than this piece of "literature" (Can't believe, I am saying this :o)

If you want to read a good slow-burn paranormal romance, with a more logical storyline, read The Book of Shade by K.C Finn!

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