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  • Writer's pictureTania Pitsal

Hollow Heathens (Tales of Weeping Hollow) by Nicole Fiorina

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

I really have no words about this book, as it's been just a huge disappointment, especially because I thought it could be much more, it had so much potential that I want to scream out of frustration!

The writer created this really nice and magical place, a town hidden from the rest of the world after the two covens, The Sacred Sea and the Norse Wood, decided hundreds of years before to protect their land from the outside corruption. Basically, you can only drift in this town or be allowed to enter by the town itself, and you are allowed to leave only when the town considers it appropriate.

In short, we have this prison of a town where the people just live, disconnected from the outside world, enveloped in a bit of anachronistic style of life as well.

Our main heroine is Fallon or as everybody calls her, Moonchild. She was born there but after her mom died giving birth to her, her dad took her and her nanny, and they escaped from Weeping Hollow...yes, that's the name of the witchy town!

Fast forward 24 years later, Fallon, alone in the world after the death of her dad and her nanny, decided to move back to Weeping Hollow to live with her estranged and sick grandfather, Benny. They used to write to each other and finally, he sent her a letter, inviting her to live with him. Now, you should know that Fallon was raised, listening to stories about Weeping Hollow and the two covens, told by her nanny. And, although weird stuff had been happening all her life, including her being called a freak by everyone around her, not just because of her "ghost appearance", but also because of the bad stuff happening to anyone who dared to do or say something against her. So, although she had witnessed all these, she still denied the existence of magic or her being special.

Then, she goes to Weeping Hollow where on her first day she meets THE BOY, as you have probably guessed here we have the theme of INSTA-LOVE! The object of her affection is no other than Julian Blackwell., a cursed figure, a HOLLOW HEATHEN (we are supposed to get all this evil and cursed, and mysterious vibe out of him, but alas it doesn't last long, especially as soon as he starts talking)...Julian with the silver eyes and his animal mask...I am not kidding...

Of course, there is a bunch of other characters who immediately want to welcome or even claim Fallon in their little groups. Particularly, The Sacred Coven which aggressively claims her as a righteous part of their coven, because her dad used to be their high priest. We learn a lof about Fallon and her family's past but 80% of the book is just a dump and cheesy scene between Fallon and Julian.

I am not joking that I've read pages going on like this, just them chasing each other throughout the town!








Fallon was going around the town and the prohibited woods in her jammies at night, although she was WARNED repeatedly by everyone to stay away from there and Julian. So what she does? The complete opposite. She was so OBSESSED with Julian that I wanted to cringe and slap the hell out of her. Another repetition was like "For real?", "it's real?", "We are real", "is it real?" many times does a person need to read this? HOW MANY???

Unfortunately, how bad this book WAS REAL!

Let's not forget the people she called friends, one was using compulsion on her to grope her up, he even abusively treated her and kidnapped her. Her colleague and friend helped that freak to do all that stuff to her...and the level of stupidity and trust by Fallon was unimaginable. She was repeatedly manhandled and abused and she kept hanging out with the same crowd. No, she wasn't naive, she was plain stupid!

You have the stereotypical angsty teen romance although they are supposed to be in their mid-20s, the cursed love, and the forbidden romance. They are supposed to stay away from each other but mainly lust and the whole "soulmates" BS cannot keep them apart. We have some explicit sex scenes that made me want to skip those pages, and not because I am a prude, I have read plenty of sex scenes, the problem was the lack of chemistry. Instead of having these two confident and attracted to each other adults, I got two insecure and immature 20-something teenagers.

I WANT to read a supernatural romance that for ONCE the female character would not scream dumb and desperate. Is this so difficult to get? Will the writers keep writing the heroines as needy and stupid? why?

In short, skip this one. There are many more interesting books out there to read!

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