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  • Writer's pictureTania Pitsal

The Left-Handed Booksellers of London by Garth Nix

Updated: Nov 15, 2020

I have never read this particular author before. I actually found the book on my recommendation list on Goodreads. I thought, why not? I hadn't read any terribly good books lately and the majority of those I did read, was just mehhhhh...

So, I started reading and I just loved it! London in the 1980s, the clothes, the books and non-stop adventure...Oh, my God!

And let's not talk about the characters!

The story is about a young girl, Susan, who moves to London to start her studies at the Art school and find her father, whom she never had met before and her mother never really talked about. She has some clues that lead her directly to the center of the action and after that point everything evolves so fast that it's like you are on this thrilling rollercoaster ride, trying to process the different pieces of info and emotions you continuously get.

Companions to her adventure, the Saint-Jacques siblings, Merlin and Vivien, who introduce her to the mythical and fantastic world of the right and left booksellers, and of the Old World where legendary creatures and dead Grandmothers come to life.

I really have no words to explain how great this book was, a real gem!

The issue is that among the hundreds of books that we get yearly, we might be lucky enough to find one that really leaves us wanting more, a book that not only the story is good but the writing too. Well, this is the book!

I wish the author would consider writing more books set in this world, featuring this amazing trio, but maybe he doesn't want to spoil such a good book.

I don't want to write more about this book as I am afraid that I might give too many details, but trust me, it worth your time!

Congratulations to Mr. Nix. Sir, keep writing books like this for us to read :)

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